Gujarati Association of Connecticut
About us
Gujarati Association of Connecticut (GAOCT) HISTORY
The Gujarati Association of Connecticut (GAOCT) was established as non-profit organization in 1994 by about 21 first generation Gujaratis mostly all professionals and in twenties and thirties and 1st president was Mahendra Patel. They were determined to form a Samaj on a linguistic basis. Today it is one of the oldest and vibrant organization in the Connecticut area serving the Gujarati and other communities.
GAOCT is a cultural and educational non-profit organization based in Connecticut. It is one of the oldest cultural organizations in the USA, with thousands of members and supporters originating from Gujarat state (India) residing in the state of Connecticut.
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Upcoming Events
Garba Night
Join us for a fun-filled Garba Night with music, dance, and joy!

Diwali Dinner
Save the Date!

Past Events
Halloween Party
Gaoct Dares you to the night at our Halloween party

Annual Celebration
Annual Celebration 2023

Navratri Celebration
Navratri Graba Raas

Rang Bahar
Our Annual Platform for the Community to Showcase Their Dance Talents

Fafda Jalebi
India No. 1 Hit Gujarati Comedy Drama

Trip to Akshardham
Senior Citizen Trip

Picnic 2024
Escape to nature's table: Enjoy a perfect picnic with us!

Kaajal Oza
Experience the magic of Gujarati Literature with Kaajal Oza Vaidya